Exploring OpenAI’s ChatGPT Code Interpreter: A Deep Dive into its Capabilities

OpenAI advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) are marked by the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), which underpin products utilized by millions, including the coding assistant GitHub Copilot and the Bing search engine. These models, through their unique ability …

Zero-shot text classification with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Natural language processing (NLP) is the field in machine learning (ML) concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in the same way as human beings can. Recently, state-of-the-art architectures like the transformer architecture are used …

MPT-30B: MosaicML Outshines GPT-3 With A New LLM To Push The Boundaries of NLP

MosaicML is a generative AI company that provides AI deployment and scalability solutions. Their latest large language model (LLM) MPT-30B is making waves across the AI community.

MosaicML’s LLM journey started with the release of MPT-7B (Mosaic Pretrained Transformer) in …

Deploy a serverless ML inference endpoint of large language models using FastAPI, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK

For data scientists, moving machine learning (ML) models from proof of concept to production often presents a significant challenge. One of the main challenges can be deploying a well-performing, locally trained model to the cloud for inference and use in …

Deploy a serverless ML inference endpoint of large language models using FastAPI, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK

For data scientists, moving machine learning (ML) models from proof of concept to production often presents a significant challenge. One of the main challenges can be deploying a well-performing, locally trained model to the cloud for inference and use in …

MIT researchers make language models scalable self-learners

Socrates once said: “It is not the size of a thing, but the quality that truly matters. For it is in the nature of substance, not its volume, that true value is found.” Does size always matter for large language…

Liquid Neural Networks: Definition, Applications, & Challenges

A neural network (NN) is a machine learning algorithm that imitates the human brain's structure and operational capabilities to recognize patterns from training data. Through its network of interconnected artificial neurons that process and transmit information, neural networks can perform …

3 Questions: Jacob Andreas on large language models

Words, data, and algorithms combine,
An article about LLMs, so divine. 
A glimpse into a linguistic world, 
Where language machines are unfurled.

It was a natural inclination to task a large language model (LLM) like CHATGPT with creating a poem

New insights into training dynamics of deep classifiers

A new study from researchers at MIT and Brown University characterizes several properties that emerge during the training of deep classifiers, a type of artificial neural network commonly used for classification tasks such as image classification, speech recognition, and natural …

Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?

Turns out, even language models “think” they’re biased. When prompted in ChatGPT, the response was as follows: “Yes, language models can have biases, because the training data reflects the biases present in society from which that data was collected. For …

Engineering in harmony

How does an ensemble play music together while apart? This was the question facing Frederick Ajisafe and the rest of the MIT Wind Ensemble (MITWE) at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. One method was to individually record tracks that …

Cognitive scientists develop new model explaining difficulty in language comprehension

Cognitive scientists have long sought to understand what makes some sentences more difficult to comprehend than others. Any account of language comprehension, researchers believe, would benefit from understanding difficulties in comprehension.

In recent years researchers successfully developed two models explaining …

Large language models help decipher clinical notes

Electronic health records (EHRs) need a new public relations manager. Ten years ago, the U.S. government passed a law that strongly encouraged the adoption of electronic health records with the intent of improving and streamlining care. The enormous amount of information in these …

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