Implement real-time personalized recommendations using Amazon Personalize

At a basic level, Machine Learning (ML) technology learns from data to make predictions. Businesses use their data with an ML-powered personalization service to elevate their customer experience. This approach allows businesses to use data to derive actionable insights and …

Reinventing a cloud-native federated learning architecture on AWS

Machine learning (ML), especially deep learning, requires a large amount of data for improving model performance. Customers often need to train a model with data from different regions, organizations, or AWS accounts. It is challenging to centralize such data for …

Unlocking language barriers: Translate application logs with Amazon Translate for seamless support

Application logs are an essential piece of information that provides crucial insights into the inner workings of an application. This includes valuable information such as events, errors, and user interactions that would aid an application developer or an operations support …

MLOps for batch inference with model monitoring and retraining using Amazon SageMaker, HashiCorp Terraform, and GitLab CI/CD

Maintaining machine learning (ML) workflows in production is a challenging task because it requires creating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines for ML code and models, model versioning, monitoring for data and concept drift, model retraining, and a manual …

Deploy a serverless ML inference endpoint of large language models using FastAPI, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK

For data scientists, moving machine learning (ML) models from proof of concept to production often presents a significant challenge. One of the main challenges can be deploying a well-performing, locally trained model to the cloud for inference and use in …

Deploy a serverless ML inference endpoint of large language models using FastAPI, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK

For data scientists, moving machine learning (ML) models from proof of concept to production often presents a significant challenge. One of the main challenges can be deploying a well-performing, locally trained model to the cloud for inference and use in …

Transform, analyze, and discover insights from unstructured healthcare data using Amazon HealthLake

Healthcare data is complex and siloed, and exists in various formats. An estimated 80% of data within organizations is considered to be unstructured or “dark” data that is locked inside text, emails, PDFs, and scanned documents. This data is difficult …

How Marubeni is optimizing market decisions using AWS machine learning and analytics

This post is co-authored with Hernan Figueroa, Sr. Manager Data Science at Marubeni Power International.

Marubeni Power International Inc (MPII) owns and invests in power business platforms in the Americas. An important vertical for MPII is asset management for renewable …

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