Hackers Compromise Third-Party Android Set-Top Boxes in UAE to Send Information about Palestine Conflict

Hackers compromised TV set-top boxes across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and replaced the regular content with images from the ongoing Gaza conflict. over the takeover of TV channels to distribute information is relatively common. For example, just this summer, hackers compromised [https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/hackers-take-over-russian-radio-and-tv-station-to-transmit-fake-putin-martial-law-message/] radio and TV broadcasts in several regions of Russia transmitting a fake

Hackers Compromise Third-Party Android Set-Top Boxes in UAE to Send Information about Palestine Conflict

Hackers compromised TV set-top boxes across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and replaced the regular content with images from the ongoing Gaza conflict. over the takeover of TV channels to distribute information is relatively common. For example, just this summer, hackers compromised [https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/hackers-take-over-russian-radio-and-tv-station-to-transmit-fake-putin-martial-law-message/] radio and TV broadcasts in several regions of Russia transmitting a fake
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