Analyzing the TriangleDB implant used in Operation Triangulation

Kaspersky provided more details about Operation Triangulation, including the exploitation chain and the implant used by the threat actors.

Kaspersky researchers dug into Operation Triangulation and discovered more details about the exploit chain employed to deliver the spyware to iOS …

Russia’s FSB blames the US intelligence for Operation Triangulation

Russia’s intelligence Federal Security Service (FSB) said that the recent attacks against iPhones with a zero-click iOS exploit as part of Operation Triangulation were carried out by US intelligence.

Researchers from the Russian firm Kaspersky have uncovered a previously unknown …

Operation Triangulation: previously undetected malware targets iOS devices

A previously undocumented APT group targets iOS devices with zero-click exploits as part of a long-running campaign dubbed Operation Triangulation.

Researchers from the Russian firm Kaspersky have uncovered a previously unknown APT group that is targeting iOS devices with zero-click …

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