Cisco fixes 3 high-severity DoS flaws in NX-OS and FXOS software

Cisco addressed three high-severity flaws in NX-OS and FXOS software that could cause denial-of-service (DoS) conditions.

Cisco this week addressed multiple flaws in its products, including three high-severity flaws in NX-OS and FXOS software. An attacker can exploit these three …

Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) fixed three DoS flaw in BIND

The Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) addressed three denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerabilities in the DNS software suite BIND.

The Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) released security updates to address three denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerabilities in the DNS software suite BIND. The three issues, tracked …

Zyxel firewall and VPN devices affected by critical flaws

Zyxel fixed two critical flaws in multiple firewall and VPN products that can lead to remote code execution or cause a DoS condition.

Zyxel addressed two critical buffer overflow vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-33009 and CVE-2023-33010, that affect several of its …

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