Japan’s JPCERT warns of new ‘MalDoc in PDF’ attack technique

Japan’s JPCERT warns of a new recently detected ‘MalDoc in PDF’ attack that embeds malicious Word files into PDFs.

Japan’s computer emergency response team (JPCERT) has recently observed a new attack technique, called ‘MalDoc in PDF’, that bypasses detection by …

Attackers can discover IP address by sending a link over the Skype mobile app

A security researcher demonstrated how to discover a target’s IP address by sending a link over the Skype mobile app.

The security researcher Yossi discovered that is possible to discover a target’s IP address by sending a link over the …

Attackers can discover IP address by sending a link over the Skype mobile app

A security researcher demonstrated how to discover a target’s IP address by sending a link over the Skype mobile app.

The security researcher Yossi discovered that is possible to discover a target’s IP address by sending a link over the …

Researchers published PoC exploit code for Juniper SRX firewall flaws

Researchers published a PoC exploit code for Juniper SRX firewall flaws that can be chained to gain RCE in Juniper’s JunOS.

watchTowr Labs security researchers published a proof-of-concept exploit (PoC) exploit code for vulnerabilities in Juniper SRX firewalls. An unauthenticated …

Rhysida ransomware group claims the hack of Prospect Medical

The Rhysida ransomware group claimed to have hacked Prospect Medical Holdings and sensitive information from the company.

In early August, a cyberattack disrupted the computer systems of multiple hospitals operated by Prospect Medical Holdings, which are located in multiple states, …

Updated Kmsdx botnet targets IoT devices

Researchers spotted an updated version of the KmsdBot botnet that is now targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The Akamai Security Intelligence Response Team (SIRT) discovered a new version of the KmsdBot botnet that employed an updated Kmsdx binary targeting …

Massive MOVEit campaign already impacted at least 1,000 organizations and 60 million individuals

The recent wave of MOVEit attacks conducted by the Cl0p ransomware gang impacted 1,000 organizations, experts say.

Cybersecurity firm Emsisoft shared disconcerting details about the recent, massive hacking campaign conducted by the Cl0p ransomware group that targeted the MOVEit Transfer file transfer …

Poland’s authorities investigate a hacking attack on country’s railways

The Polish domestic security agency is investigating a hacking attack on the national railways, Polish media report.

Poland’s Internal Security Agency (ABW) and national police have launched an investigation into a hacking attack on the state’s railway network. According to …

Poland’s authorities investigate a hacking attack on country’s railways

The Polish domestic security agency is investigating a hacking attack on the national railways, Polish media report.

Poland’s Internal Security Agency (ABW) and national police have launched an investigation into a hacking attack on the state’s railway network. According to …

Leaked LockBit 3.0 ransomware builder used by multiple threat actors

The leak of the source code of the LockBit 3.0 ransomware builder in 2022 allowed threat actors to create new variants of the threat.

Lockbit v3, aka Lockbit Black, was detected in June 2022, but in September 2022 a builder …

Security Affairs newsletter Round 434 by Pierluigi Paganini – International edition

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs are free for you in your email box.

Enjoy a new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter, including the international press.


Cloud and hosting provider Leaseweb took down critical systems after a cyber attack

The cloud and hosting provider Leaseweb suffered a security breach that impacted some “critical” systems of the company.

Global hosting and cloud services provider Leaseweb has disabled some “critical” systems following a recent security breach. The company informed its customers …

French employment agency Pôle emploi data breach impacted 10M people

Pôle emploi, the French government employment agency suffered a data breach that impacted 10 million individuals.

The French government employment agency Pôle emploi suffered a data breach and is notifying 10 million individuals impacted by the security breach.

At the end …

Crypto investor data exposed by a SIM swapping attack against a Kroll employee

Security consulting giant Kroll disclosed a data breach resulting from a SIM-swapping attack against one of its employees.

Security consulting firm Kroll revealed that a SIM-swapping attack against one of its employees caused the theft of user information for multiple cryptocurrency platforms. Kroll …

China-linked Flax Typhoon APT targets Taiwan

China-linked APT group Flax Typhoon targeted dozens of organizations in Taiwan as part of a suspected espionage campaign.

Microsoft linked the Chinese APT Flax Typhoon (aka Ethereal Panda) to a cyber espionage campaign that targeted dozens of organizations in Taiwan.…

FBI: Patches for Barracuda ESG Zero-Day CVE-2023-2868 are ineffective

The FBI warned that patches for a critical Barracuda ESG flaw CVE-2023-2868 are “ineffective” and patched appliances are still being hacked.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned that security patches for critical vulnerability CVE-2023-2868 in Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG) …

Researchers released PoC exploit for Ivanti Sentry flaw CVE-2023-38035

Proof-of-concept exploit code for critical Ivanti Sentry authentication bypass flaw CVE-2023-38035 has been released.

Researchers released a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for critical Ivanti Sentry authentication bypass vulnerability CVE-2023-38035 (CVSS score 9.8).

This week the software company Ivanti released urgent …

Lazarus APT exploits Zoho ManageEngine flaw to target an Internet backbone infrastructure provider

The North Korea-linked Lazarus group exploits a critical flaw in Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus to deliver the QuiteRAT malware.

The North Korea-linked APT group Lazarus has been exploiting a critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-47966, in Zoho’s ManageEngine ServiceDesk in attacks …

Lapsus$ member has been convicted of having hacked multiple high-profile companies

An 18-year-old member of the Lapsus$ gang has been convicted of having helped hack multiple high-profile companies.

A teenage member of the Lapsus$ data extortion group, Arion Kurtaj (18), was convicted by a London jury of having hacked multiple high-profile …

More than 3,000 Openfire servers exposed to attacks using a new exploit

Researchers warn that more than 3,000 unpatched Openfire servers are exposed to attacks using an exploit for a recent flaw.

Vulncheck researchers discovered more than 3,000 Openfire servers vulnerable to the CVE-2023-32315 flaw that are exposed to attacks using a …

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